The piece Vie et mort de l’élégance will be presented from May 22 to 25, 2019 as part of Les danses de mai, Opus 2019 by the graduating students of l’École de danse contemporaine de Montréal.
The show are already sold out on May 24 and 25, get your tickets now!
May 22 to 25, 2019
Tangente Danse
7 pm
Vie et mort de l’élégance is a speeded-up portrait of the effect of time on our ways of being together, of the alteration that our encouters and relationships are suffering from. It is a dive head first into the torn varnish of appearances.
The piece won the silver medal at the VIIe Jeux de la Francophonie, in septembre 2013, Nice, France.
Photos : Luc Lavergne