Choreographer, Thea Patterson is inspired by a desire to share, create and excel through collaboration and the infinite possibilities of multiple voices rather than one. She works on a wide variety of projects with a group of dancers and choreographers who share a similar vision. She is more often seen wearing the hat of a choreographer for her own work or as a director or creative assistant in the works of others. From time to time, she leaves her role of external eye for that of performer in her own solos or in the plays of David Pressault, Bill Coleman, Erin Flynn, Peter Trosztmer and Chien Perdu. Her work has been presented in Australia, Cuba, Quebec, Toronto, Ottawa and Victoria. Her play A Collection Letters, named “Best of 2005” by THE MONTREAL MIRROR, was adapted into a film by Bravo! fact. Directed by Philip Szporer and Marlene Millar under the title: A Soft Place to fall, it has been presented at several international film festivals. She was one of seven choreographers and the artistic assistant in Peter Trozstmer’s Painful and unequivocal Truth. This show was selected as one of the ten best dance pieces of 2006 by LA PRESSE. Her most recent project, a collective creation of the <The Choreographers>, is entitled Man and Mouse and has been presented in Halifax, Montreal, at the Joyce Soho in New York and will soon be seen in St-John’s, Lennoxville, and some Maisons de la culture de Montréal.
Related work: BEHIND : une danse dont vous êtes le héros, RAYON X : a true decoy story